Niner Low Top bar and RDO Seatpost- First Ride Impressions

Niner announced a while back that they’d be releasing a new “low top nine” bar and “unstiff” RDO carbon seatpost in a setback version (the zero offset version has been out for a while, but doesn’t work with my fit). Mine came in a little over a week ago, and I finally had a chance to ride them on Thursday.

I decided that since in Breckenridge, the climbs are big and the trails are wide, I’d try leaving the bars in their full 720mm-length glory. I’m still at odds with this decision, though. My test ride was on the trails close to my house- they’re totally flat with the exception of a couple of tiny levee climbs. I definitely noticed that steering was more work with a wider bar. I also noticed that, in the entire 15 seconds I spent going uphill, I reeeeeeeeally liked the wide bar. I’m going to try them on a more tech trail before I do any cutting, and since it’s about to pour down rain, that decision is being put off for now.



I installed the bar in the “drop” position (-25 mm) with my stem/spacers in the same orientation as my previous flat bar (the Niner RDO flat bar). This may also change once I get a chance to ride it a little more. I was pretty comfortable with the bar where it was, and, though I like the extra sweep (17 deg vs 9deg) of the lowrider bar, the extra drop may not be necessary. If that’s the case, I’ll flip my stem over.




As for the seatpost, the 1 hour ride on buff trail and road was just not enough to notice any difference over the Thompson that was on there previously. I’ll know more in the upcoming weeks. If nothing else, it looks sexy as hell to have matching RDO everything. Blinglespeed Represent!

Adventures in toe pain

For the past couple of years (at least, that’s as long as I can remember it going on), I’ve experienced a recurring pain in my outer two left toes. I’ve tried various shoes, pedals, insoles, bike fits, adjustments to bike fits, stretching/rolling of my leg, massage, yoga, adjustments via chiropractor, and, despite all of those things, the problem has slowly become more frequent, severe, and faster onsetting than in the past. So, with another bout of pain that put me off my bike during the 2nd climb at natz, I decided I’d try to seek medical help.

After asking around some friends, I was directed to OrthoMemphis. I saw a foot specialist who, looked at some xrays and said that there was nothing structurally wrong with my foot or ankle. He scheduled an appointment for a nerve conduction study & EMG, which I went to today.

Well, first I rode the scooter over to a local motorcycle shop (Performance Plus) for some scooter oil… I’ve put close to 800 miles on it since I bought it from FullFace Kenny


Once I utilized the “master mechanic” skill needed to remove a cover and cap then funnel in a full bottle of oil, I then paced around the house until it was time to head up to the EMG clinic.

I had a “this is what’s wrong with America” moment in the waiting room while I watched a kid lay across 4 chairs listening to/watching music videos at full volume on his phone while everyone else crammed themselves into the 4 remaining chairs on the other side of the waiting room.


Luckily, I didn’t have to wait for long. Back in the exam room, I donned a pair of one-size-fits-most paper shorts and crossed my fingers in hopes of finding some sort of diagnosis.



After being shocked and poked with a needle in a multitude of places from back to foot, it was determined that all of my nerves are working properly. The doctor did, however, mention that my symptoms sounded as if my sciatic nerve was being irritated from sitting on it. He suggested getting a highly padded gel saddle to make up for the lack of padding that I’ve got under my backside. I didn’t feel like explaining about how terrible highly padded saddles can be, so I just smiled and took it as a complement to my fitness.

So, now the possible diagnoses include either that, or some sort of vascular problem that’s causing a shutdown of bloodflow to my lower leg. It’d be great to at least figure out the cause before I head off to Colorado again for Breck Epic so I can at least try and avoid some of the pain during the race. Between this, the continuing summer heat/humidity, and my occasional driver-induced anxiety attack…


I decided to console myself with sushi lunch at Sakura.



Mountain Stuff

Like I promised, I made my decision as to whether or not I’d go to XC Nationals based on my feelings in the drive home from Marathon Nationals. I’m 100% not feeling it. I want to focus my efforts on tuning back up for Breck Epic, which starts August 11th. After a little post-Natz break, I got back into some intervals today, and, even though they weren’t my best, they were promising, and it felt good to be getting back into a training groove after all the tapering/traveling associated with going to Idaho.

In random “badasses of Memphis” news, Billy Simpson, a local ultramarathon runner, finished the Hardrock 100 over the weekend – 18th place with a time of 33 hours, 14 minutes, and 47 seconds. As an occasionally vocal trail advocate, Billy has had his disagreements with the local 2-wheeled community in the past (some of which I’m more on his side than on others’), but, in the end, we’re all just looking for the next adventure. So, to Billy…

I can barely contain my Breck Epic excitement. To add to it, I’m leaving a week early and staying with another (formerly) local badass, Lauren Hall. I’m going to hide out in her basement and ride trails in her little corner of Colorado while I get through my initial throes of altitude adjustment. I always have a bad day about 2-3 days after getting up high before leveling off to just “more out of breath than usual,” so 5 or 6 days at 7,000ft should get me through that in preparation for Breck.

Motivation for things like Breck Epic is essentially what’s getting me through some of my rides right now. I’m still scared of being hit by a car on a regular basis… a fear reinforced by what seems like a rise in frequency of drivers being incredibly careless, reckless, and/or flat-out mean. I’ve been able to get it down to about 1 during-ride anxiety attack per week. Though I occasionally find myself feeling like I want to collapse in on myself like a black hole, it’s a combination of both my desire to be excellent and of sheer stubbornness that I won’t quit training on the road.

Can't Stop

New Tattoo

Back before I left for Idaho, I was in No Regrets, and Joe was working on a long-term tattoo project (a dotwork half-sleeve on my left arm). There was a guest artist in the shop, and he didn’t have any appointments. So, I told Joe that I’d be willing to set something up with him, but that I didn’t really have any ideas for what I’d like. Something on my right arm/shoulder? It ended up that the guy went home early, and I didn’t get anything at the time.

While I was driving out to Idaho, I started thinking about what I’d want if I were to get a right arm tattoo. What I came up with was a play on popular doping-related tattoos from pro cycling. Back during the “heyday” of drug use in cycling, several cyclists had black/red devil tattoos on their shoulders, and, according to rumor, it was to hide bruising from injections of performance enhancing drugs.

(example: Andreas Kloden)

Now, Adam Myerson and others have started a Clean Athletes movement, which involves a “clean” bar of soap tattoo.


I think it’s cool (read into the website, and it’s definitely a cause I could get behind), but, I was thinking something more original, and I was already set on the upper-shoulder spot, anyway (if you see the “clean athletes” rules, your tattoo needs to be victory-salute visible). I started searching around on the internet for other symbols of cleanliness/purity, and came up with a lotus flower. So, as I drove, I filed that idea away in my head for future use.

Fast forward to the drive back on Monday. I had another tattoo appointment set up for Tuesday. Joe called and wanted to know if I still was thinking about doing something one-session-able on my right arm. I told him my idea, and, 24 hours later…



Joe does gorgeous work! I’m hoping in the future to add to it, but, for now, I’ve got plenty of other unfinished stuff to get worked on.


Marathon Nationals Race Report

Friday, I laid around and watched the Tour, checked out of my hotel as late as possible, and got moving up to Ketchum. Once I was there, I had a snack, waited for a little afternoon raincloud to pass, then went out to get a feel for how the race course would start. After a short prologue loop at the ski hill base, it took to a bike path for a mile or so before turning off right and beginning the looooong climb up Mt. Baldy. Apparently, the are a is shared with the local goat hearders, because there was a temporary fence and a heard of goats over the part of the course that linked the bike path and the beginning of the forest road climb:



Once I’d found a way around the goats, I climbed a half mile or so before getting to a gate/fence with a bunch of snowmoving/ski lift equipment behind it. It looked like the road kept going, but it wasn’t clear as to how legal it was to climb the gate. So, I turned and went back to the city and rode the pump track.


I was feeling good. As I’d predicted, since I had spent the last two nights at 3700ft, I wasn’t feeling the effects of altitude.

Saturday morning, I went through my usual pre-race routine of coffee, breakfast, and sitting around staring off into space waiting for said coffee to take effect. It obviously wasn’t strong enough, because I ended up packing up and leaving the room on my bike without sticking my gel flask in my pocket. Fortunately, the race start area was about a 5 minute ride from my hotel, and I always arrive early enough to allow time for situations exactly like that. So, I just warmed up by spinning nice & fast to the hotel & back, getting back to the start area with plenty of time to spare.

When online registration closed, there had been 5 riders on the start list. However, registration was open Friday afternoon as well, and we’d had a late addition… Rebecca Rusch.


My training has gone really well lately. And, while the entrants (other than RR) included women who’d beaten me in the past (Carey Lowery and another girl from Pierre’s Hole 50 last year), I was confident in my ability to hang with them this time. So, when we started, everyone was off onto the first mini-loop. I was able to hang right up with the front couple of ladies, which, at first, made me feel great. We circled around and were on the bike path in no time.

Rebecca and I were dropping everyone, and she seemed to be spinning more than me. Hmmm.

We got to the start of the climb, and she kept the hammer down. My inner dialogues yelled at each other…

The more reasonable side won out, and I watched her ride off like the world champion she is. As I got past the gate I’d stopped at before (now open), the road continued to pitch up. I stood on my gear and ground out what was probably a cadence of about 60rpms. Other singlespeeders were catching up, and everyone seemed to be pretty cozy with their gear and NOT standing up at 60rpms (except maybe one woman, who seemed to be chasing Rebecca). Carey said something to me about rolling a 32×22.

I was on 32×20.

The next hour of climbing was painful. I kept up the slow grind, all the while, passing rider after rider that had started ahead of us. Some realized that they were bringing up the rear of their field and moved immediately. Others didn’t want to let anyone by, but would eventually slow for a second and move over barely enough to squeeze by on the skinny ribbon of bench trail. Carey eventually asked to pass me… I let her go, and she spun off like nobody’s business.

How much did it hurt to have the wrong gear? Well, I sat down 4 times in the hour+ of climbing. Yeah. I counted.

At the top, I filled my bottle (I was carrying a Camelbak full of Roctane and had a bottle of plain water for drinking along with my Roctane gels & Chomps) and headed down the mountain. I descended with slight caution. Being in 4th place, I didn’t want to screw anything up by wrecking or flatting. On the way down, the two other women in my category passed me like I was sitting still. So, wrapping up lap 1, I was DFL.

As I started lap 2, I came upon the woman who was 5th. She was getting a CO2 from another rider (against the USA cycling rules) and filling her flat rear tire. As I passed, she hopped back on her bike, said something about it going low on the descent, and rode off. I have no idea if she was even carrying flat repair equipment, but I’ve learned the hard way to carry extra.

Great. I’m DFL and my competition is cheating a little.

The second time up the climb was (as expected) more painful than the first. My left foot and toes started to experience excruciating amounts of nerve pain- enough so that, about 3/4 of the way up, I had to get off of my bike and beat my left calf with my fist to make it go away enough to finish the climb. Then, as I hit one of two “kicker” climbs on the way down, the muscles behind BOTH shoulders fully cramped up. The race couldn’t be over soon enough.

Ok, so a pre-ride would have been helpful- I could have at least put my 21t cog on the back and had a slightly better time on the climb. However, I am reasonably certain that, if I’d spent the day running around at close to 6,000ft on Thursday, I would have traded the better gearing off for not feeling as good because of the elevation. The “last minute elevation” part of my race was actually a huge success. I felt great in that respect, which made it all the more frustrating that my choice of gears put me into so much difficulty. I don’t know what gear everyone else was on (except for Carey), but I’m guessing by the way they fell off so far on the bike path that they were all more spinny than myself.

So, that was a first. I’ve never finished last before. I pedaled slowly back to the hotel to clean up and recover. Later, I decided to ease the pain with some delicious Mexican food, a margarita, and downing half a pint of locally-made caramel ice cream while watching the day’s stage of the Tour.



Bonus photo:


Marathon Natz Road Trip Part 1

As I travel more and more, I realize why Dicky says goodbye to his blog during his trips to wherever it is Dicky goes. Even though I have at least a couple of times a day when I could probably write something, the motivation factor is pretty low. However, this morning, I’m trying to kill as much time as possible in Twin Falls (at 3700 ft of elevation) before going up to the Ketchum/Sun Valley area (5800ft).  So, I figured I might as well start to fill in on what it is I’ve been doing since Monday.

Monday was relatively boring. I drove the 10.5 hours to Hays, KS to get the first chunk of movement out of the way. Trip fueled by Three 6 Mafia Radio on Pandora…


Tuesday, I got up and continued west to Fort Collins, where I met up with my coach for the last few years, Andy Clark. We actually hadn’t interacted in person since I’d first met him at the Winter Park Super D on my first trip to Colorado back in 2010.

We went out for a great ride that included a stop by 1 of 2  pump tracks in Ft. Collins.





Fort Collins is someplace I’d love to spend more time. The city has embraced not only bike racing, but also bicycles as a mode of transportation for everyone- there are bike paths and bike lanes everywhere as well as (well-used) bike racks (and occasionally scooter parking places) in front of every business. Also, not only is Andy super-dad to his kid, he’s got a really adorable dog, too.

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Wednesday morning, I headed out towards Twin Falls, ID. I was on track to get there around 4:30 in the afternoon, but realized about 45 minutes from town that I’d left my cycling shoes in Andy’s garage. Needless to say, I didn’t get to Twin Falls until after 6. Between this trip and the one to Victor last year, I’ve realized that in mid-summer, Idaho is really hot, dry, and usually on fire.


(the fields are all well-irrigated, though)

Once I arrived in Twin Falls, I took a couple of quick photos of the canyon before checking in to the hotel and going out for a ride.



I’d noticed from the tourist-info overlook that there was what looked like a trailhead and singletrack that went from the road halfway into the canyon down to the river level (you can actually see it in the bridge photo above). I could see the trail from the trailhead then at the bottom of the canyon, but couldn’t see what was in the middle. I realized about 3 gnarly, near-vertical rock sections and one steep, narrow staircase into a hike-a-bike that, while there was not a “no bikes” sign at the trailhead, it was not a bike trail.


(the stairs were actually the easiest part)

After hefting my bike back out of the trail, I cruised down the road to the park at the bottom of the canyon.


As beautiful as it is, the entire area smells like sewage because of a water treatment plant that’s down there. It’s like a bathroom with sage-scented air freshener.

Thursday, I’d had all intentions of driving up to Sun Valley and pre-riding the Nationals course loop. However, one thing I’d failed to consider when I’d made my plan was that, by that time, I’d be absolutely exhausted of driving. So, instead, I went to a local breakfast place called Norm’s. I got crazy looks from the farmer clientele that filled most of the seats, but, as I realized back in Fort Collins, when I don’t get weird looks and I “fit” in with the normal crowd, I feel really awkward.

I stalked Strava and found some local trails called Auger Falls. Unfortunately, when I got down into the canyon (and past the water treatment plant), I found this:


I climbed back out and crossed the bridge to see what was over there. I found some powdery moto trails and some very nice scenery

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After my ride, I had lunch and lounged around the hotel before picking up dinner and riding over to Cold Stone for desert before watching the city fireworks display from the hotel parking lot.


So far, so good. Check out time isn’t until noon, so I’m gonna get a late breakfast as soon as this Tour stage is over. Without spoiling it, I’d say this is, tactically speaking, my favorite stage so far.

Yay, Summer!

I’m not sure if all of you realize it, but Swiftwick socks are, quite possibly, the best cycling socks ever invented. They have some compression to them, so they stay in place, they dry quickly, and they’re very durable. I wear the Performance Fives in the summer (they have a wide variety of styles and cuff lengths- just remember, the “four” length is the shortest acceptable cuff for cycling use. It’s the rules).
Side note- also, as part of “The Rules,” you should always wear the same length sock in order to cultivate a sharp summer tan line. Since Swiftwicks stay in place so well, they’re the best chance you have for creating lines to match the ones on your thighs and arms.

Anyway, I wear white socks on the road and black socks on the trail. However, in typical “you could mess up a crowbar” fashion, I got chain grease stains on my white socks. Not pro at all.


Washing- even with a normal laundry pre-treater, didn’t budge the grease. I got an idea while I was washing bikes, though. I used ProGold Degreaser+Wash as a pretreater before I washed them, and, just like the chain on my bike…



In other road-related news, I had an underwhelming road ride fail yesterday. I set out around 8:15 in the morning with the ambition of riding 5 hours in a heat advisory by breaking the ride up into two loops with a break in the middle to cool off and refill my bottles with ice water. Unfortunately, from the first hour on, I basically became less and less able to produce any sort of power.
I did sprint very briefly when a driver right-hooked me as she turned into a parking lot for a closed down mall (she was using it to cut through to get to the nearby interstate on-ramp). If I’d not locked up my brakes, we would have hit each other. Unlike my previous post-rouge roubaix-wreck close calls that sent me cowering in the bushes in a heap of tears, this time something snapped. I sprinted after her, across the parking lot, with every intention of causing damage to her car and her person, should I catch her. She realized that she was in trouble and floored it- wailing her car over the multitude of speed bumps across the lot and turning out wildly into traffic on the other side. I was left panting on the other side of the lot like one of the angry dogs that comes screaming out of a junky house trailer  yard with all intentions of catching and destroying both you and your bike.

I digress.

The heat destroyed me yesterday. With good reason-



A heat index of 119 is nothing to eff with. There’s nothing you can do to train outdoors as usual in that sort of condition- no amount of acclimatization, hydration, or toughness can prevent you from overheating when it’s like that because the humidity prevents sweat from evaporating off of your body, thus negating your body’s “go to” method of cooling during physical activity. So, since that sort of weather pattern is a summertime staple, I’ll be setting the trainer & fan up in the living room soon. My strategy from last summer is to do the lower intensity volume on the road then hop on the trainer as soon as I get home and polish off some intervals. It’s not the most fun way to train, but the subtropical climate is balanced out by being able to train outside for a majority of winter- something that people further north do less of because of similarly extreme winter weather. I’ll take extreme heat any day over that stuff.


(NSFW language)

In better training news, on Tuesday I rode my singlespeed for the first time in a while. It’s not hard to fall in love with that bike again after taking a bit of a hiatus to race the geared bike for everything so far this season. The Niner Air 9 CYA frame is killer stiff. After riding the slightly toned-down RDO frame for a while, it’s like getting back into your track day-only car when your daily driver is already a Corvette. I’m excited to one-gear it up & down some mountains in the near future.

2013 Road Trip #3

In a week or so (haven’t totally settled on a day), I’ll be heading out West for Marathon Nationals. A few years ago, I raced my first Singlespeed race at Marathon Nationals in Breckenridge, CO. I had a good time and ended up 3rd.


This year, with a lot more training in my legs (and likely a bigger field), I’m hoping to improve upon that. Since the course is at altitude (not super-crazy Breck altitude), I’m changing up my acclimatization strategy. I’ve come to realize that the first day I’m at altitude, I feel like a rockstar- as in, “damn, the air here isn’t totally humid, so I feel awesome and can pedal really hard.” As is expected with normal human physiology, that feeling fades after about 24-36 hours. So, for the race at Sun Valley, I’m planning on avoiding altitude until the Friday evening prior to the race. In order to do so, I’ll pre-ride a little on Thursday, but spend most of the time leading up to the race in south Idaho (3-4K ft of elevation). It’s going to involve a lot of driving , but I’m hoping it will pay off with killer race-day legs.

Afterward, I’m gonna jet back home, recover, and, along the way, contemplate as to whether or not I want to pack up and make the haul to Cross Country Nationals in Pennsylvania less than a couple of weeks later. It’s really going to depend on my results and the degree of either contentment or angst that they produce. Considering the degree of heat, humidity, and poor air quality we get around Memphis that time of summer, it’d be a nice break to go train someplace where there’s just lots of heat and humidity. Otherwise, I’ll be mixing it up on the trainer like I did last year (not so bad, really… there are much worse things than a quick morning indoor interval workout).

For now, I’m enjoying the relatively nice weather. Yesterday, I went out on what was probably, at 112 miles, my longest ride to date. Initially, I wasn’t sure how long of a route I’d need for my prescribed 6 hours, so I started off with a 100 mile course that I’d previously completed in 5 hours, 15 minutes then tacked on an extra loop at the end. I felt strong the entire time, but I’m incredibly glad that 6 hour road rides aren’t a regular thing, because I was prettymuch ready to by sitting on a couch and not a bike by about hour 5.
Side note- sure, I’ve done my share of MTB rides way over 6 hours in the course of NUE races. This goes back to my previous post about training on the road, though. During a 6 hour ride, I had 27 minutes of coasting (you can look this metric up in training peaks or any other software that allows you to see how much of your ride was at a cadence of “0”). You can’t get that amount of pedaling if you’re only riding trails.

Today I’m laying low, going to a yoga class, and sticking around the house to work on some bikes. My repaired I9 wheel is coming back today, so I’m going to set my singlespeed up in race mode and get in some non-shifting miles before Natz.

An Open Letter to Drivers

Ok, since hopefully a lot of the people reading this are non-cyclists and have no idea who I am or what I do, I’d like to start with a little introduction of myself. I’m a professional cyclist. It’s my job to get out and train on my bike in order to do well at races and therefore sell things for my sponsors. I train about as much and as hard as any pro football player, but I get “paid” with equipment, race entry fees, travel expenses, and, occasionally, about as much money as what a pro football player makes in one hour. 99.9% of cyclists that you encounter are doing this for fun- just like you play golf, video games, lay out by the pool, read, drink alcohol… whatever. It’s a very enjoyable hobby and means of staying healthy.

First, I want to acknowledge that some people who are reading this will remain “unreachable.” This person generally falls into one of two categories- one will immediately hit the “comment” button with some sort of “I hate you, get out of here, you deserve to die” message. This person  likely goes through life expending lots of energy hating lots of things and people, including the terrible person on a road bike who he/she almost hit because he/she needed to pass NOW, and the cyclist is just “in the way” of their car.  The other sort of “unreachable” person views the road as a “motors only” zone, cyclists as idiots with death-wishes, and doesn’t believe that it’s his/her responsibility, as a driver, to watch out for slower moving vehicles (yes, a bike is a vehicle) on the roadway. This person will defend those views with the same fervor that the members of Westboro Baptist church defend their own views on who has a right to get married. If that applies to you, I’m guessing you could save your time and energy by just not reading the rest of this letter.

Now, for the 99% of you drivers out there who, based on my assumption, are normal human beings experiencing a range of normal human emotions when you, in your car, encounter a person riding a bicycle on the road. I just need your attention for a few minutes.

I’d like to start by addressing the issue of the cyclist that everyone (including law-abiding, non-jerk cyclists) dislikes. I’m talking about the guy (or girl) that’s disobeying traffic laws, running stop signs, speeding through school zones, riding the white line to get in front of traffic at stoplights, etc. Also included in this category are the groups of cyclists that erratically morph all over the roadway- often crossing the yellow line into oncoming traffic and/or taking up more than one lane on the road, and running redlights. I’m not justifying this behavior in any way, I’m just gonna say that drivers also do dumb things and break traffic laws. There’s not much that you or I can do about it, so how about we just let dumb drivers and dumb cyclists cancel each other out in this instance. Deal?
Side note- Not included in the “dumb” group are the cyclists (or groups of cyclists) that take up one single lane of the road. While it may make it harder for you, in your car, to pass (more on this in a second), it’s a self-preservation thing. If I ride in the gutter, I’m inviting you to attempt to pass me very closely when there’s oncoming traffic (a.k.a. “Buzzing” me). Getting buzzed is dangerous and freaking terrifying. It’s why there’s a law in Tennessee stating that you must move over to the left lane of the interstate for a stopped emergency vehicle. Cars coming close to your body are dangerous.

While we’re on the topic of passing, I’d like to bring up the fact that Tennessee (along with a lot of other states) has a “3-Foot Law.” It just means that you need to put 3 feet between your passenger side mirror and my body when passing. You know what, though? Only leaving 3 feet is kinda like having only the minimum amount of flair.


If you could, when you pass, pretend like I’m the size and shape of a tractor. The big difference between me and a tractor, of course, is that if you brush up against the tractor with your car, your car gets scratched and dented. If you brush me, I could die. Just think about maybe letting off the gas and getting all the way over in the other lane. That’d be amazing, and would make everyone’s lives less stressful and a whole lot safer.

Now, I realize that this brings us to the sorest of subjects between cars and road cyclists- on a curvy/hilly/busy road, sometimes you have to wait for what seems like forever to pass. This is when I really need you, as drivers, to bear with me. I’m not going to start spouting off about “I’M A CYCLIST AND I HAVE  RIGHT TO RIDE HERE BLAH BLAH…” I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume that most of you know that it’s legal to ride a bike on any roadway that isn’t marked otherwise. I’m just asking you to think of waiting to pass me by comparing the situation to other, non-car-related life situations.

For example- you’re at the grocery store, waiting in line. The lady in front of you pulls out a checkbook when it’s time to pay. The cashier doesn’t even KNOW how to deal with this because, let’s face it, who the heck still uses checks?!? It ends up taking FOREVER to make the transaction, and, all the while, other shoppers are piling in behind you and wondering why on earth the line is moving so slowly. Do you, A) Start yelling at her that she needs to get a debit card like everyone else and quit wasting your precious time, B)Pull out a gun and threaten her for being such an idiot and holding up the line, or C) Roll your eyes and wonder why anyone would use checks, but otherwise wait patiently until she gets out of the way.

Maybe you hate that lady for doing something that she KNOWS is causing everyone an inconvenience. Does it mean that you’re going to try and intimidate or threaten her for doing so? Probably not. So, let’s relate this back to the cyclist thing. There you are, stuck behind a cyclist, going 17 mph in a 40mph zone, and there are too many curves in the road to see ahead to know if it’s safe to pass. Are you going to threaten the cyclist with a deadly weapon? (yes, your car counts as a deadly weapon) Are you going to act in a way that makes the cyclist think that his/her life is at risk, just because you are getting impatient? I’d hope not.

That’s really my point. I’m not going to ask for the pipe dream of drivers and cyclists riding off into the sunset together on the back of a rainbow-unicorn-pegasus. I’m just asking that when you come across a person that irks you because they feel the need to ride a bike on the road, just don’t be a jerk. Be a decent human being who has respect for the life, hobby, and, on occasion, the livelihood of the human being that’s causing you inconvenience and getting on your last nerve.



The Office

There’s a lot of argument all over internet message forums and facebook pages about whether or not you need to train on a road bike (or at least ride your mountain bike on the road) in order to get faster. I think that the answer is very regional, but, physiologically speaking, there’s no argument that you need to incorporate sustained, high-intensity efforts into your routine in order to be able to sustain high intensity efforts during racing. If you live in an area where your terrain and trails don’t lend themselves to that, then the answer is “road,” because no amount of “going hard” on a trail where you have to coast and negotiate your way through turns and trees (thus, interjecting “rest” into your hard efforts) will equal the effects of hard, steady road pedaling.

Of course, the argument against riding on the road is that it doesn’t improve your skill. Yes, you’re right. It doesn’t. I wasn’t trying to imply that the only sort of training a mountain biker should do is on the road, I’m just saying that if you want to be fast, you have to do steady, interval-type training. The most commonly referenced argument against this is what Gerry Pflug has to say about his training “program.” After you read that, I want you to realize that A)Gerry Pflug has an insane number of miles in his legs, and he’s likely a bit of a genetic monster to start, and B) If you look at those “2 hour rides” he talks about, I’m willing to bet that they include some sustained efforts that highly resemble steady road interval training. Of course, there are also people who live in areas where there are many options for long, sustained climbs and singletrack. Those are the people who post their gorgeous mountain overlook photos all over Facebook and Twitter (I’m looking at you, Sonya Looney). Their intervals happen while climbing 1000ft up a mountain forest road surrounded by aspen trees and brown bears (Ahem… Karen Jarchow).

Memphis isn’t one of those areas. I’m not complaining, I’m just saying that, if you want to be fast, and you live somewhere that’s this urban and sub-tropical, you’re going to have to find your pain cave… or, as I like to call it, my office:



That’s a farm road that’s only about a 15 minute ride from my house. It’s perfectly flat, and is the site of some of the best wind fights you can possibly get into (it also parallels a nice trail system that can be a good spot to warm up before exiting to the road). As part of the Agricenter, there’s some occasional tractor and pickup truck traffic (and some angry commuters in the morning), but it’s generally a place where I can go and bury myself in a sea of lactic acid without any interruptions. It’s my interval training happy place- where I go when I want to get faster.

Want to get interactive? If you’re social media-ing, tweet a photo of your office/pain cave back to @BrickhouseMTB, or tag @Brickhouseracing on Instagram. No pretty mountains allowed.