…and I still don’t stink.

A while back, I posted that I’d stopped using soap. Well, it’s been since March, and other than handwashing, I’m still soap and antiperspirant free. I figured I’d post an update since apparently it’s a trend that’s become a bit more mainstream: NYT Article

In other news, I’ve got a short interview/profile in the latest issue of Memphis’s Health and Fitness Magazine. It looks like traffic around is up since it hit the stands. If you’re reading this for the first time, drop a comment & let me know!

Tweed Ride, etc.

Last night we celebrated Memphis’s 2nd foray into cycling culture past the comfort zone of spandex, asphalt, and/or singletrack. In other cities, tweed rides are a big deal- lots of people show up, the dress is fantastic, and the bikes are unique (just check out photos that pop up on a Google Image search). Last night, about 15 very dapper and dashingly dressed individuals showed up at Peddler Bikes for the leisurely ride to Celtic Crossing.

Odd, I thought… because the first Tweed Ride back in March seemed much less publicized and much more attended. More on that in a minute.

The ride and the company were great, of course. I managed to win “best dressed,” the prize for which was a shiny new Brooks saddle. If I can scare up a seatpost with more setback than my Thompson (not too hard- the Thompson is pretty mild), then it’s going on the One9.

Speaking of bikes, the decision has been made (thanks for all the input!). I will get an Air9 carbon sometime in the next couple of months. It will be mine… oh yes, it will be mine. I love Niner too much to mess around on them with other bikes.

So, back to the low turnout of the Tweed Ride…Â Last night was also the showing of the 2010 Race Across the Sky documentary (about the Leadville 100 mountain bike race). I am reasonably sure that it took away from the attendance of said ride. What I’m about to say might upset a lot more people than that time I dropped an F-bomb or posted a gangsta rap song.

To Hell with the LT100 hype.

There, I said it.

I’ll preface this by saying yes, it is a hard race. If you’ve finished this race, you’ve done a great thing that a lot of other humans view as “impossible.” By no means am I calling it easy or saying what you’ve done isn’t a great accomplishment …but NO 100 mile race is easy.

The media has hyped this race sooooo much that people are viewing it as the end-all, be-all endurance race of a lifetime. Newsflash, people- there are other 100s out there that are harder. You wouldn’t know about those, though, because they don’t have their own movie, and L*nce has never entered them. In fact, I’d venture to say that without a film crew that are both very capable bike handlers/hikers and in excellent physical condition, a large portion of races more difficult than the LT100 couldn’t have their own movie because you couldn’t get physically get to most of the trails that make up the race course. I recently realized that most people (even some very accomplished riders) don’t know that the LT100 easily lends itself to filming because most of it is on jeep roads (except for that couple of miles of singletrack between Pipeline and Twin Lakes). The altitude is a factor, as are the 1500 people that show up to race (many of them accomplished pros), but the course itself is generally run-of-the-mill when compared to other 100 mile courses.

I’m not going to blow smoke here- I will likely race in the LT100 some day… it’s a 100 mile race, and I like racing 100s. And yes, being the vain and self-centered person I am, I will probably then go to that year’s showing of Race Across the Sky in hopes of seeing myself on the silver screen. But I encourage any of you reading- if you are wanting to set a lifelong goal of finishing a 100 mile MTB race, then do a little searching. There are others out there that are more, less, or equally challenging. Read. Look for past race reports. Look at photos and course maps. Think for yourself and don’t just go with the one that’s on the front page of the magazines.

If you’re an LT100 finisher and this makes you mad, then please refer back to the above preface to my rant. You’ve accomplished something great, and I’m not trying to take that away from you. But now that you’ve done that, how about branching out?

Dear Evansville,

Not too long ago, Ryan installed Woopra on my blog. It lets you see where visitors are coming from, how long they stay, what they read, blah blah blah…

Today was the first time that I’ve really looked at it. Not surprisingly, Memphis and the surrounding area accounts for a large number of my readers. Surprisingly, I have what seems to be a decent foothold of readers (or maybe just one who is very persistent) from Evansville, IN. I find this cool, because even though I don’t recall ever mentioning it in any posts around here, I was born in Evansville (though I moved to Memphis about the time of my first Christmas).

So, I just wanted to say HI to you, whoever you may be!

Non-racing Race Weekend

As a testament to my rest/training plan, I decided not to enter the local 12 hour race- 12 hours of Stank. However, Ryan and two of his Marx-Bensdorf teammates did (team name “we ride you long time”). Aside from a flat tire on Ryan’s first lap, they kicked a bunch of butt in the 3-man sport division. Race report HERE. In the meantime, I went out Saturday morning with a friend of mine who was in town while her boyfriend was racing. We took our CX bikes to Shelby Farms where I taught her how to ride singletrack.

After lunch and a beer, we drove back to the race course to see how things were going. I ended up doing a few minor repairs for people (took the folding Park stand out of the living room after all!), drinking a couple more beers, and playing first-aid tech to the other Marx-Bensdorf team (aptly named “Marx and Bruises”). It was rare for one of them to finish a lap without coming in covered in dirt and blood, and their anchor rider wrecked early into his final lap, cracking his helmet and spraining his A-C joint.

After getting home late Saturday, we “slept in” until a little after 6 on Sunday. I had a 3 hr endurance ride on my schedule, and Ryan ended up attempting it, but then turning back towards home half an hour in because his body was thrashed. With a fresh pair of Gatorskins installed, I ventured back on to the gravel that previously killed one of my old worn out tires earlier in the week. No problems there, just not enough gravel.

On the way back in to Germantown, I found out the hard way that one of the usual bike thoroughfares was (still) a narrow-single-lane construction zone. Lucky for me, the barreled-off lane where the asphalt was removed down to the dirt road bed doubled as a very convenient bike lane. The remainder of the day was spent holding down the shop at Outdoors. We just built a really big custom ti bike for a really big guy… that was cool…


Sunday’s Quote of the Day from Ronnie: “Tell Aaron that if he screws up my bike, I’ll break him in half.”

(He was joking, of course)

Slow Wind-up to the Offseason

I was totally going to post about how I aspire to be awesome enough to get “invited” to Interbike by a sponsor, but Dicky beat me to it. So, instead, I figured I’d talk a little about the off-season.

Life has been pretty laid back for the past few weeks. Outdoors, Inc is still a really great place to work (though Jason is gone now, which sucks), and I’ve mostly been taking days at a time off the bike or just doing ~1hr easy rides. Looking at the upcoming schedule on Training Peaks, though, I can see this off time slowly winding itself up into full-blown, zombie-inducing training.

I’ve started lifting now. Unlike the last person who coached me (back before my roadie nervous breakdown), the Wizard and I seem to see eye to eye on developing an off-season lifting program. I’ve been to the gym twice this week, and, even though it’s been all pretty light stuff, I’m pretty freaking sore. Hopefully by January, I’ll have half the guns of Selene Yeager (who I’ve unofficially named the “LVG” of mountain biking), and I’ll be needing that alloy Niner handlebar because the carbon Easton that’s on there now just won’t be stiff enough.

I’m also hoping that I’ll need that bar because it’s specially made to jive with the A9C frame geometry… but that’s another post.

Tomorrow is going to be my first ride of any substantial length since Shenandoah. I’m not expecting it to be too incredibly fatiguing- it’s just a 3 hr endurance ride, but I’m guessing that if my off-season starts with 3 hr rides that it can only get more difficult from there. I can’t say I’m not looking forward to it.

As a side note, alcohol and I have been taking a break from each other lately. We needed our space. Side effects of this have been better sleep as well as a couple of pounds missing on the scale. I like being realistic, so I won’t say I’m not ever going to drink again. I’m just saying that I finally realized that it was time to cut back from “very enthusiastic beer enthusiast” to just “occasional beer enthusiast.” So far, it’s worked out well for me. I feel odd saying this around the sponsors, because I know they keep an eye out here, but I figure that a lot of my audience reads as a sort of “vicarious living” kind of thing, and more than a couple can identify with recognizing that it’s time to slow their roll on any particular habit. To you, I raise my glass (of water).

Yeah, deliciously cheesy. I know.

Stupid Tax

I’ve always heard people say, “there should be a tax for being stupid.” Lately, it seems that people I know are suffering consequences of doing things that are, well, just stupid. I’m not going to cite specific events, but I’ve seen some doozies lately. I, myself, am most definitely NOT immune to the Stupid Tax. Just last night, we were out at Saucer for Jason’s (my coworker & buddy) going away party.

I drank too much. I know better than to do this. It was stupid.

This morning, I had a raging hangover (a.k.a the “Irish Flu”). I think it actually beats the one I had last Halloween when we partied with the Nashvegas people on a Saturday night between CX races. Only this time, instead of having to get up and race cross sometime around noon, I had to be at work at 9:45 to meet up with my boss so he could show me the way around the Union Ave. store. It wasn’t pretty, but I made it (and Joel will probably laugh when he reads this). Stupid Tax prevails.

BTW- a Ginger Brew from the cold drinks section of Whole Foods combined with truing some wheels eventually brought me back to the land of the living sometime around mid-day.

In other news, work is still fun, and you get to read a lot more random posts like this for the next couple of weeks because I’m doing very little training right now as part of getting totally recovered & ready to hit it hard in the upcoming months.