Weekend Redux

Sunday, Matt and I headed west for a quick trip to the Womble trail. I never, ever get tired of overlooks…


On the way home, we passed a house trailer off to the side of I-40. It had smoke coming out of the windows… I called 911, then we turned around to make sure that if the FD didn’t show up, that no one was inside screaming for help. Luckily, by the time we were close, we saw firetrucks…





Hopefully, everyone was OK…

Now that the results are posted, I’m pissed at myself. Not that it would have made a difference in placing (even though RR had a flat on the last lap, she was far enough ahead that I would not have caught her), but I would have been a strong 2nd instead of a lucky one. Looking at lap times, I would have made the 1:17 time cutoff. My downfall was A) a lack of HTFU, and B) a lack of conditioning. Two things that I’m hard on myself about. It should have been a non-issue. I should not have questioned it. There should never have been a thought in my mind about NOT going for it. Damn.