Bluebird Drama!

I was watering the plants on my porch this morning and noticed that the nearby birds sounded upset. Then, I noticed that a brown finch was sitting on the birdhouse near my porch- the same birdhouse that I’ve noticed a couple of bluebirds habitating for the past few weeks.

Some Photos (click to see larger versions):
#1: The culprit
#2: Ms. Bluebird, in the tree across from the birdhouse, chirping up a storm at the finch (she’s the little brownish-blue bird on the far right)
#3 & 4: Closeups of Ms. Bluebird
#4 & 5:Mr. Bluebird didn’t seem too concerned, though he did stay in the area.
#6: Not sure what type of birds these guys are, but they were observing from another branch