2 days, 132 miles

…and I feel good :)

After trying to race hard/recover for 3 weeks then traveling for a couple more, I was feeling a bit out of form. So, I’m skipping the race in Huntsville to train & prepare for the last part of the season. The state TT is in a little less than two weeks, but I’ll most likely train through it so that I can be fully prepped for the state RR on August 2nd and the BMW Omnium (River Gorge) later in the month.

Right now, I love training. I’m so happy to be back into it after spending so much time taking it easy between races & travel, etc. I rode a hard 70 miles Sunday & an easy 62 yesterday, and, although both rides revealed some weaknesses brought about by the last month’s activities, I’m looking forward to working on them.

See you at the races!

One thought on “2 days, 132 miles

  1. Glad you are back in it…..hate that you won’t make Huntsville…..oh yeah, I had my first official wreck….I was playing w/ the big boys in a practice crit and caught my pedal in a turn (rookie)…..

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