I just saw this “outrageous” story on TV…
Last week in Palm Bay, FL, a 12-year-old was arrested for assaulting two teachers (throwing sticks at a pregnant one and kicking another). Apparently, he was trying to leave school property, and the assaultees were trying to stop him. Fisticuffs ensue… boy is arrested, handcuffed, and taken to juvenile hall.
His mom is OUTRAGED. The reporter interviewing her was obviously biased towards her outrage. She was crying and going on about how he had ADHD and couldn’t handle the teachers being physical with him without trying to defend himself (apparently they’d touched him while trying to prevent him from leaving school).
NEWSFLASH, LADY… ADHD IS NO EXCUSE FOR YOUR KID BEING AN ASSHOLE. I should know. I have ADHD. I never would have even thought about leaving school property- much less trying to beat up an adult who was trying to stop me!!! Why? Because my parents taught me that. If you aren’t going to discipline your kid because he has a learning disability, don’t get OUTRAGED when he acts like a little shit and gets disciplined by someone else! ADHD has nothing to do with it- you have failed as a parent. All ADHD means is that you and your kid have to work a little harder. Get over it and stop using his learning disability as an excuse.
Buy him a bike or something… maybe he’ll grow up to be the next Micheal Ball.