Training Camp: Day 3

First off, the weather was absolutely gorgeous today! It was in the 50’s, and the wind was a liesurely 10 or so mph. We left the hotel and rode out to an area known as the Robinson Ranch Loop to work on how to ride an effective paceline. When we first started, we were all over the road, but by the time we got to lap 3, we actually looked like we knew what we were doing (though we did get yelled at over the radio for letting the pace fall below 25mph going up the looong, windy hill at the end of the loop).

We also tried a leadout on a couple of laps, but bobbled both times (the last time being mostly my fault for starting to leadout too fast and breaking the train apart).

Once we got back to the hotel, we cleaned up & had lunch. Afterward, the nutritionist from Living Well Dallas came to talk to us. She had a lot of helpful advice about how to choose the right food for before/during/after our rides. We finished off the day with a delicious dinner at one of the Metro Volkswagen club member’s house.

I’m pretty tired now. I think that everyone else is watching a movie in one of the other rooms, but I might be anti-social and veg out in front of my own TV in my PJs so I can just pull the covers over my head when I start to nod off…

5 thoughts on “Training Camp: Day 3

  1. Andrea,

    Good catch today when you t-boned that big rock. I was one of the non team members in the Yellow kit following along at the back when you hit it. I wanted to say hi today but didnt want to distube you. I have been a fan of youre blog for over a year. I first linked to it through Randy Legai’s site out of New Orleans.
    I ride in that area and it was rather inpressive to see you guys looking sharp and focused on youre training. Tell Nathan thanks for letting us trail along at the back.

  2. Really? a stalker? just saying hi and telling her how impressice it was that she didnt crash when she hit that big rock.

  3. Hey, Jeff, no worries-Creaky is just joking… he’s the real stalker!

    Thanks for coming out & hanging with us for a little while. That dirt clod chipped my paint, cracked one of my spoke nipples, and bruised the bejesus out of my shin! I’m just glad that noone went down because of it.

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