Fall Non-Adventure Riding

Last I posted, I was about to tackle Fall Adventure Ride #3. However, Thursday morning rolled around, and I wasn’t feeling it. So, I took the dogs for a long walk at the dog park instead.


Walking the three of them at the same time isn’t too bad- Indy likes to gallop next to Marley the whole time. Or, at least until he gets tired and has to trot. So, the most difficult part of the leash circus is actually timing the walk so that we’re near the car when Old Man Indy starts to lag behind. I made some phone video of “excited Indy gallop” versus “tired Indy trot” and uploaded it to Instagram.

They’re all nice and tired once we’re home


I did go out for a long-ish ride on Saturday and did Stank & Back light to meet up with videographer Ryan Goble to do some more shooting for a project he’s working on. The whole ride was pretty low-key except for the “haul ass one more time” parts of the shooting process.

Sunday it poured rain for a while, so Matt and I rode to a nearby city park and scouted out some cyclocross ideas. We also played on the playground.

In more exciting news, the titanium tubes and small parts for my road bike have arrived to Cysco Cycles. It looks like I should be rocking the “TWSS”-stiff beast by sometime in early December. The big one is the downtube… rowr



We’ll talk about it a little bit tonight on Just Riding Along. Which, by the way, is moving from 8pm central time to 7:30. Also, here are two more photos that just don’t fit in, but are worth posting anyway…

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