In case the 140 or so of you a day that visit my blog don’t also visit Ryan’s blog, here’s a link to his blog post of Google Earth images that he mapped of the Southern Cross race this weekend: RoadCX Southern X Preview . Take a good look at it and come back…
Yea, it’s gonna be tough! Luckily, I’ve got a song that I’ll probably sing over & over in my head (ok, and possibly out loud) as I climb. This is a nice alternative to “99 bottles of beer on the wall” that I used at the River Gorge Road Race last summer…
I’m one of the 13 RSS subscribers, thank you very much. ;-)
what a great song, seriously. i started taking spin classes up on campus, good shit. i saw a waste management kit. tie-eet.
here’s the song you need to have in your head: