Adventures in Old Dog-dom

Old Lady Turbo is 12 now (two years behind Indy, who turns 14 in May). She’s been slowly losing her hearing, and, in the past two days, I can say, in my unprofessional opinion, she’s almost all the way deaf. Normal speaking/yelling/noises get no reaction from her, though she’s still twitching her ears around a little when there’s a lot of incidental noise going on around the house… without really honing in on anything, though.


I’d like to teach her to come when “called,” but I haven’t been able to find an appropriate training collar yet. I need one with a vibrate function (really, it could only have a vibrate function), but all of the ones I’ve found go in to “sleep” mode when the dog is inactive. She does a fair amount of sleeping/laying around staring into space, so ideally, there’s a collar out there that will still buzz even if she’s doing old dog stuff.


She’ll be going to board at the vet’s office for the weekend since I’m heading off to Syllamo with Matt for the IMBA Trail Care weekend, and Ryan is going to the Marx-Bensdorf team party camp. She’s due for a yearly checkup, anyway, so I’m going to talk to the doc about whether her deafness is just age, or if there’s a possible underlying cause. She’s otherwise in good shape for an old lady…



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