Adventures in Snowab, Part 2

I had full intentions of typing this up way sooner, but, spoiler alert, my ride following the big Sand Flats Road adventure was not particularly interesting. I really wanted to go ride the Captain Ahab trail, but, being Monday morning and all, I didn’t feel like I’d be particularly safe riding some of the features on that trail by myself (Porc Rim on a Sunday is like a MTB Highway. If you fall and injure yourself, someone is bound to be by within a few minutes. Captain Ahab on a Monday? Not so much). So, I ventured out to try some new-ish, non-tech trails called Navajo Rocks.

I don’t regret avoiding the chunk & mild danger, but I quickly found myself bored with the pedal-y and non-tech Navajo Rocks… especially on a 6″ travel enduro bike. I took it as a nice recovery ride before hitting the road home.


The Mountains are always watching.


Later that afternoon, I was back in the land of green, white, and bluebird…


I will say, my experience on Porcupine Rim was enough to confirm two things in my brain- 1) A long travel 27.5 bike is an amazing and capable beast that I will likely never outgrow, and 2) I feel much more confident about some of my downhilling skills that I wasn’t 100% sure about before.  In case you were wondering, 1+2 = selling my CX bike and purchasing one of these:


I’ll have the CX bike listed in the next few days. Basically, I don’t care enough about racing cyclocross to have more than my Surly Crosscheck singlespeed. And, if you’ve been around for a while, you already know that it was my first CX bike. There have been at least three others in the middle, but things have gone full circle for me with cyclocross.

I’ll be racing the Moab Enduro in just over a week. Stoke level = high.