Niner Air9… more photos, first ride

Got in about 10 miles at Stanky Creek this afternoon. First impression- I NEVER want to ride a 26″ bike again. After several laps on the same trails on a borrowed bike ( 12 hours of Stank), I realized today hom much nicer it is to have the big wheels. It’s kinda like free speed.
As for the frame itself. It’s pretty awesome. The hardtail will take a bit of getting used to. I think that higher volume tires may be in order. It feels pretty amazing going uphill. I had to keep reminding myself that I have cyclocross racing to do tomorrow because it was pretty tempting to hammer through everything.

This weekend, Ryan and I are going to the McEwen Cyclocross Festival. He’s coming back to Memphis for his team’s end-of-the-year party, and I’m sticking around the race venue for some MTB riding and camping. I can’t pass up the chance to ride some new trails on my new bike when the weather is supposed to be awesome!

Anyway… here’s a gallery of some nicer photos (click to enlarge)
